The Best Products
Aren't Advertised On TV

Peter Haskell

Have you ever seen a Rolls Royce™ advertisement on TV or even in your favorite magazine? Have you ever seen an ad for a Bentley™ or a Maybach™, two of the world finest automobiles. Ads for them are rare for a pretty good reason. They are quality products and don't need to advertise. They sell themselves.

But much less expensive and widely available products are also not advertised. Compare the numerous Zicam™ ads compared to what I have found to be a product that actually works. I am refering to Zucol™ which hardly ever advertises it's very effective cold medicine.

I tried Zicam™ and got no noticeable results. Then I tried Zucol™ and marveled at it's abilty to stave off a cold or in other cases reduce the duration my cold.

I tried numerous advertised anti-itch lotions before I found the relatively unadvertised Sarna™ lotion to actually relieve my itchy skin. I have seen too many ads on TV for Gold Bond™ anti-itch lotion, which I have found never works on me, as opposed to Sarna™ "Original" lotion that always works.

Bayer™ aspirin works on me but not as well as the unadvertised Norwich™ brand. Norwich™ aspirin is difficult to find but it's well worth looking for simply because it works, quickly and effectively every time, on pains that Bayer™ doesn't seem to touch.

We seem to be constantly bombarded with TV ads for products that mostly don't work or are of inferior quality. Therefore, I rarely buy anything advertised on TV or that I see advertised in print. If I see it on TV, advertised repeatedly, it is a reg flag for me to stay away from it.

This is especially true when it comes to movies whose hyperactive TV trailers bombard my senses relentlessly and then are disappointingly lacking in content, substance and plot. Undoubtedly due to their pre-release hype, overly advertised movies are, almost always, thoroughly disappointing for me in theater. Consequently, I seek out films that are unadvertised and have limited releases.

Most of the products mentioned here, with the exception of the automobiles, were sampled by me and in all cases an unadvertised product turned out to be the product that actually worked.

I am a guitar teacher and performer by profession and I had owned or played most of the popular brand guitars in the world for almost fifty years before I discovered one that actually did what it was supposed to. It is a relatively unadvertised brand, Stromberg™, from WD music.

I don't wish to get technical here and my object is not to sell you a Stromberg™ but instead my point is that most every product that has been overexposed in the media, and that I have personally tried, pales in comparison to the relatively unknown, unadvertised and under-appreciated brands I have ultimately found that actually work for me.

So, the next time you see a guitar player looking down his nose at one playing a Stromberg™ just remember that the best products are not usually advertised on TV.

This article is solely the personal opinion of the author and in no way reflects a scientific study.